1. O Lord, be merciful
Homer Newton Bartlett / Op. 96
2. Trusting in Thee
Claude L. Fichthor
3. Language of Canaan
David Huntsinger, Kristin Wilkinson
4. He shall feed His flock (recitative and aria from oratorio ''The Messiah'')
G. F. Händel, arr. Carl Deis
5. He that keepeth Israel
Adolphe Schlösser
6. I Heard the voice of Jesus say
Charles A. E. Harriss
7. Lead kindly light (Psalm 119,105)
Ciro Pinsuti, Rev. John Henry Newman
8. O Saviour hear me!
CH. W. Gluck, arr. Dudley Buck
9. Che farò senza Euridice (aria from opera ''Orpheus and Eurydice'')
CH. W. Gluck, Ranieri de´Calzabigi
10. Una voce poco fa - Rossina´s Cavatina (aria from opera ''The Barber of Seville'')
Gioachino Rosiinin, Pierre Beaumarchais
11. Beautiful Zion
David Huntsinger, Kristin Wilkinson
12. Out of the deep have I called unto Thee (Psalm 130)
Robert L. Bedell
1. Ó Bože slituj se
Homer Newton Bartlett / Op. 96
2. Věřit, doufat
Claude L. Fichthor
3. Jazyk Kanánu
David Huntsinger, Kristin Wilkinson
4. Nech ať se oči slepých otevřou (recitative a árie z oratoria ''Mesiáš'')
G. F. Händel, arr. Carl Deis
5. Ten, kdo vede Izrael (Žalm 121,4)
Adolphe Schlösser
6. Slyšela jsem Ježíše
Charles A. E. Harriss
7. Veď světlo tmou (Žalm 119,105)
Ciro Pinsuti, Rev. John Henry Newman
8. Chvalte hospodina
CH. W. Gluck, arr. Dudley Buck
9. Che farò senza Euridice (árie z opery ''Orfeo a Euridice'')
CH. W. Gluck, Ranieri de´Calzabigi
10. Una voce poco fa - Cavatina Rosiny (árie z opery ''Lazebník Sevillský'')
Gioachino Rosiinin, Pierre Beaumarchais
11. Překrásný Sion
David Huntsinger, Kristin Wilkinson
12. Z hlubokosti k Tobě volám! (Žalm 130)
Robert L. Bedell